at villa bengel / campus idar-oberstein
my artist in residency summer 2024:
i entered the third floor, third room, on the left, DG004. industrial monument jakob bengel.
galalithgalalalalalalaland of milk and honey.
coagulated coloured milk in the form of rods, pipes, plates – hundreds! since that day, i have been visiting the galalith chamber every morning, i sit down on the rose-coloured chair and can’t stop marvelling.
to come to terms with this abundance of material, i have to play; play with the material.
for me, the appeal lies in making, in trying things out, experimenting with form, colour and the material properties. the idea coagulates into form.
Danni Schwaag transfers the material and formal language into her work by playfully exploring the material’s properties. It´s driven by the fascination of colors and (of) materials, which has its relation to the period of time and history. Expressive colourfulness releases additional energy. The possibilities seem endless. By observing, playing, arranging, discarding and reorganising, she creates compositions that can be abstract or figurative.